We believe it is possible to create a more sustainable world through responsible investment
Our teams of sector specialists put capital to work all over the globe
Founded in 2001, we want to generate better jobs, environments and opportunities for future generations.
Think globally, act locally. As technology links us closer together and regulatory barriers are broken down, the firm is in a unique position to address the increasingly global needs of our clients.
Our employees are the energy that drives us forward. Their commitment, expertise and diversity are the key to DIF’ success.
Latest news, press releases & stories
DIF has built a world-class and iconic portfolio of assets around the globe, and forged partnerships with many of the world's leading institutions
We help you explore real estate solutions and insights based on your personal directives.
DIF is a strong believer in transformative technological innovation.
We’re industry leaders in working on some of the biggest infrastructure projects in the MENA region.
DIF eCommerce-focused investment initiatives maximize your investment returns.
We’re an industry leader in commodity-based investments with a focus on exploring.
Industries around the world are facing unprecedented challenges across manufacturing.
Investment & Risk Management Process
Before we begin, we need to understand your investment objectives, investment time horizons, and address your comfort level and ability to take on financial risk. Once these factors are understood, we can develop an investment policy that provides guidelines and a strategy towards managing your investment portfolio(s).
It's important that you fully understand and mutually agree to the investment guidelines DIF intends to follow in managing your investment portfolio.
Details of your investment portfolio and our management plan will be explained at length within an Investment Policy Statement personalized for you.
DIF will monitor your portfolio's performance, using a blend of proprietary benchmarks composed of major market indexes. Our selective rebalancing process keeps your portfolio's integrity and trading costs in check.